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E3 Giving Guide

Dear Friends,

This wasn’t part of my plan. If you had asked me years ago what I saw myself doing in the future, I couldn’t have dreamed it would be this – that’s God. That’s the oversized dreams only God can place on our hearts.

E3 Ranch Foundation’s mission is to put God’s love into action by serving others, helping those in need, and ultimately introducing them to Christ.

We take a three-pronged approach to this mission: serving combat Veterans, fighting against human trafficking, and providing support to crises globally.

My wife Jenn, our family, and a small–but mighty–team of the best-of-the-best work tirelessly to help those in their darkest hour. That’s because God directs our paths. Like I said, not part of my plan, but it’s His. So how can we refuse?

Stay Dangerous,

Adam LaRoche
Founder of E3 Ranch Foundation

Adam LaRoche with his wife


Put God’s love into action by serving others, helping those in need, and ultimately introducing them to Christ.




Serve Combat

Fight Against
Human Trafficking

Support to
Global Crises 

Contact Us

13 S. National Ave
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Email: donor@e3gives.org
Phone: (417) 922-0187

Serving Those Who Serve

It’s not hard to understand why combat Veterans need respite. Years of intense work, defending the greatest nation on earth, take its toll.

E3 Ranch serves as a getaway. The ranch has been in our family for generations. Located on the outskirts of Fort Scott, Kansas, the ranch has become home to hundreds of Veterans over the years. From hunts to shooting events to meals in fellowship, our Veteran retreats provide a time for our warriors to break free, kick back, and in the quiet (although sometimes rowdy) atmosphere, find time for themselves.

The ranch is unique, the food is incredible, and the activities are awesome, but they don’t change lives. It’s our team’s devotion to this mission and their intentionality with every soldier; the renewed camaraderie amongst Veterans (with a touch of humor that is only understood in a ‘clubhouse’ or a ‘team room’ environment); being in fellowship with those who truly care about what you’re going through or what you’ve been through. Putting God’s love into action—that’s what changes lives.

Consider giving to the care of our Veterans by donating to our Combat Veteran retreats.

These events are the highlight of our year as we build lifelong relationships by simply opening our doors and serving those who spent their lives serving us.

The Fight Against Human Trafficking

In 2015, I traveled to Thailand with my friend and former teammate Blaine Boyer. The evils of human sex trafficking that we witnessed changed our lives forever. After returning from that trip, I remember praying in my kitchen and asking God, “Why do you let this happen, why don’t you do something about it?” I felt him say loud and clear, “Why don’t you do something about it!” Having ignored Him for a large part of my life, I wasn’t going to do it again.

Our orders from God are strong—we must fight for the “least of these.”
E3 Ranch Foundation supports the targeting and interdiction of traffickers and victims of human sex trafficking. Getting victims out is one thing but providing them with a safe place to go is equally crucial. We have identified and partnered with the best aftercare facilities to ensure that every victim has a path to freedom.

A gift to the E3 Ranch Foundation is a gift to help fight against the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world.

The Facts

Only 1% of child sex trafficking victims are identified.***

In 2021, 65% of sex trafficking victims were recruited on social media.*
The average age of entry into the sex trade is 12.**

In 2021, there were 5,000 confirmed MINORS trafficked and sexually exploited in the United States.**

33% of all trafficking victims are recruited/exploited by a family member or caregiver.**
* U.S. Department of State. (2023, June 23). United States – United States Department of State. U.S. Department of State. https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-trafficking-in-persons-report/united-states

** U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline Statistics. Polaris. (2022, December 21). https://polarisproject.org/resources/us-national-human-trafficking-hotline-statistics/

***In The United States Child Sex Trafficking. (n.d.). https://22570428.fs1. hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/22570428/Safehouseproject_November2022/pdfs/ChildTrafficking_InfoGraphic.pdf

Support to Global Crises

In August 2021, we felt God tugging on our hearts to help in Afghanistan. The world watched as Afghans jumped onto military planes trying to escape the Taliban. Regardless of how or why it happened, there were people in need, and I knew we had to help.

Our small, but strong, team helped evacuate hundreds of our Afghan allies to safety. We also walked side by side with many of these families throughout the entire resettlement process into their new home countries. In fact, with the relentless help from our friend
Lee, three of the Afghan families we evacuated and resettled in our hometown—
they’ve now become part of my family.

I’ll spare you the details of the countless hours involved in the immigration process, emails, and phone calls, but we are proud to have helped the “least of these” in their time of need.

On another front, in February 2022 what started out as a mission to evacuate 19 orphans from Ukraine with significant medical needs grew into a much larger humanitarian effort. Through multiple visits, since the war began, we’ve brought clean water, food, and aid to hospitals, churches, and orphanages. Additionally, we were able to provide much-needed showers and encouragement to the front lines.

When you invest in E3 Ranch Foundation, your dollars are doing good and noble work for those who need it most.

Ways to Give

Your support ensures the good work of E3 Ranch Foundation.

Online Giving

Easily and securely make a gift online.

Recurring Giving

Take away the hassle and set up your gift as monthly.

The old-fashioned way

Mail your gift to:
E3 Ranch Foundation,
13 S. National Ave
Fort Scott, KS 66701
For more information on giving, email us at: donor@e3gives.org.

Types of Gifts

We are pleased to accept the following types of donations:

  • Cash & Check (Please make checks payable to E3 Ranch Foundation)
  • Stock
  • Gifts-in-Kind (Tangible items such as food, equipment, etc.
  • Real Estate

Specific Needs


Sponsor a Veteran to Attend a Retreat


Sponsor a Veteran Retreat


Sponsor a Counter Sex Trafficking Operation in a U.S. City


Sponsor a Survivor’s Recovery (12 Months Average)

*Due to the sensitivity of our operations please call for more specific needs related to our counter-sex trafficking work.

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Consider a Planned Gift to E3 Ranch Foundation

What will your legacy be?
Will you consider including E3 Ranch Foundation in your estate plans? Your investment ensures the work of E3 continues in perpetuity.

Another easy way to make a planned gift is by asking your financial advisor for a beneficiary designation form on your investment or retirement accounts. On this designation form, add E3 Ranch Foundation to receive all or a portion of your funds and leave a lasting impact.

Contact the E3 Ranch Foundation at donor@e3gives.org or (417) 922-0187 to work closely with you and your advisory team on the best planned giving option for you and your family’s personal situation.